Monday, December 14, 2009


By Diane Bargonetti, ND, CTN
(Article conceived in the spirit of Edgar Cayce--The Sleeping Prophet’s belief that good health should be reflected in the products of the day. Let’s explore the possibilities that might exist if Cayce lived today.)

As the Resident naturopath at the ARENYC, I recommend 3 simple basics for good health:
Keep your blood moving (Circulation)
Stand up straight (Posture)
Practice deep breathing (Respiration).
I call these basics the CPR of Good Health—all of which are skillfully integrated in THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD.

The Cayce Readings totally endorse exercise and good blood flow (circulation); good spinal health and correct posture; and the benefits of deep breathing (respiration). So, I often wonder if Cayce was aware of the burgeoning Feldenkrais Method which began in the 1950’s?

Both Cayce Philosophy and The Feldenkrais Method recognize that from an early age we learn to rely on “habitual movements.” When we move without conscious thought in our everyday activities, we often strain ourselves without even knowing it. Interestingly, we are very aware of the pain, exhaustion and depression that can accompany these inexplicable injuries but are seldom aware of their real cause---poor posture and habitual movement patterns.
Using the Feldenkrais Melthod you can retrain your central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) to experience all the possibilities available to the human skeleton. With practice, old detrimental patterns of movement and posture can be eliminated and subtly replaced with new skills that improve the physical, mental, and emotional functioning of the body. In this way, unconscious movement is brought into conscious awareness where it may be used as a tool for opening the human potential. (Certainly Caycean in philosophy !)
With Feldenkrais you can either attend a group class or work with a practitioner one-on-one. Either way, the practitioner guides you through a series of simple physical movements that offer you the opportunity to increase flexibility and expand range of motion physically and mentally. I say, “offer you” because Feldenkrais is a form of mind/body education that relies on you to become more self-determined to improve your life through the use of movement and posture. Your results reflect your efforts and resolve.
As Cayce aptly put it, “Posture mirrors your reaction to life.” Does this “droop-shouldered, pop-bellied” stance look familiar? Do you think it is possible to stand hunched over and still look at life positively? What message does your posture send out? Depression? Unhappiness? A sense of being burdened? Or, joy, self-confidence and determination?

Like Cayce, I believe our posture echoes our self-image and emotional state, along with reflecting our inner health. All major organs are located in the torso, so, by keeping your torso in shape, good health translates to these, oh-so important major internal organs. By slouching you set in motion a chain reaction throughout your organs—a chain reaction of inefficiency.

You can instantly change your health by incorporating the CPR of Good Health into your life! So, keep your blood moving, stand up straight and deep breathe. Even though The Feldenkrais Method is approached from a “posture/movement” perspective, the elements of circulation and respiration are subtle by-products and/or catalysts. “The general exercises, the general activities of the body, will have more to do with keeping the posture than making any corrections, see?” (628-3)

So, take a deep breath and with a tall, straight spine exuding success, energetically look for a friendly Feldenkrais class—I think Edgar Cayce would approve!

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