Edited by Carol Schneider
“In fact, the scientific literature states clearly that a “calcium deficiency disease” due to a low calcium intake from natural diets simply does not exist. In other words, all diets provide adequate calcium to meet our health needs…” John A. McDougall, McDougall’s Medicine.
Our entire body chemistry changes according to the type of food we eat and that has consequences to our health. Because of our change in diet during the last century, American bodies have become very acidic and virtually all degenerative diseases ranging from cancers to tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in our bodies.
Blood acid levels are measured on a pH scale from 1 to 14. Ideally, the blood should be slightly alkaline at 7.4. A soda (which is almost entirely carbonated sugar water) with a pH of 2 is highly acidic, whereas tap water has a pH of 8.4, which is very alkaline.
There are three ways to make your blood less acidic: First, eat more plant foods because plant foods are alkaline and have a higher percentage of water than other foods. Second, drink more water—generally not containing anything else, just plain, simple water—although, Edgar Cayce said water is better as chamomile tea. Third, eliminate foods from your diet that make the blood acidic.
The major acid-forming foods in our diets include animal proteins, soft drinks, sugar, salt (i.e. sodium chloride…sea salt is fine), caffeine and alcohol. Americans consume too much of all these. In the case of sodium, we get most of it not from table salt, but indirectly in packaged and processed foods. In fact, dairy products and processed meat are the biggest sources of sodium in the American diet.
High acidity is bad for a number of reasons. First, high acid levels make our bodies more cancer friendly by reducing the delivery of oxygen to cells. In addition, cancer cells love highly acidic environments and do not do well in healthy, alkaline surroundings. Second, a highly acidic environment disrupts the function of enzymes and the digestion of food. Undigested food gets passed into the colon and sits there, rotting, and this can lead to toxic buildup and a number of health problems. The average American stores 4 to 22 pounds, of (sometimes decades old), fecal matter in their colons. Elvis had over 20 lbs; John Wayne had 44! Third, when blood becomes too acidic, our bodies pull calcium from our bones and teeth to neutralize the acid, contributing to bone loss, or osteoporosis. The body also removes water from our cells to neutralize high acid levels, and this leads to cell dehydration, which is believed to be the main cause of premature aging.
The way Americans consume antacids is a reflection of just how acidic our diet has become; but taking a calcium pill to neutralize high acid levels is treating a symptom. If you want to eliminate the problem, you will have to radically cut back on acidic foods.
By continually eating foods which cause high blood acid levels, we put our bodies in a state of constantly having to neutralize this acid by using the calcium stored up in our bones. Animal proteins are one of the most acid-forming foods in existence and because of our high-protein diets, the biggest cause of high acid levels. One reason dairy products are poor choices fro calcium is because they contain excessively high amounts of protein. Cow’s milk has over three times more protein than human mother’s milk. It was designed for a calf that will weigh over 300 pounds within a year of its birth.
When you consume dairy products, the calcium simply passes through your body and ends up in the toilet—and your blood is even more acidic because of the protein. Low-fat dairy products are highest in protein, so you may lower your fat intake, but will raise your blood acid level, thereby contributing to bone loss. Skim milk contains almost twice the protein as whole milk, and due to the high sodium content of dairy products, they are a double whammy to acid levels.
The cause of osteoporosis is not a lack of calcium in the diet, contrary to what the dairy industry would have you believe. Populations consuming the most calcium have the highest level of osteoporosis. In fact, the more calcium they consume, the higher the rate of osteoporosis. Conversely, countries with the least amount of calcium consumption have the lowest rates of osteoporosis. Something else must be going on here, because it’s not a lack of calcium that’s causing osteoporosis.
How can we explain this? Although Americans are swimming in calcium, the World Health Organization has yet to document a single case of calcium deficiency anywhere in the world. In fact, there has not been a single recorded case of calcium deficiency of a dietary origin in the history of the entire planet. Yet, the dairy industry tells Americans they have a calcium deficiency.
The problem, of course, is that the dairy industry has set U.S. standards for calcium consumption sky high through lobbying efforts. The calcium scare that has been going on in this country is, without question, the biggest nutritional swindle every conceived. If you think this is an outrageous statement, then show me a single case of calcium deficiency of a dietary origin. (If you’re thinking of rickets, that disease is caused by a lack of vitamin D, not calcium.)
You’ll hear health authorities say that women should get between 1,000 and 1,500 mg of calcium per day, while men should get 1,000 mg per day. What would these health authorities say to men and women throughout the world who get only 200 mg a day—and have bones stronger than most 40-year old women in this country? And they get their calcium from plant foods, not dairy products.
Osteoporosis is not genetic and you don’t have to suffer bone loss if you change your exercise and eating habits. When people say it runs in the family, it simply means the family has led a sedentary lifestyle over generations. Many women, including Dr. Ruth Heidrich, measured their bone mass during and after menopause without dairy products or hormone replacement therapy.
Bones are just like muscles. The single best thing you can do to prevent (and reverse) osteoporosis is to start exercising your bones, because a lack of physical activity is the primary cause of osteoporosis.
Acidic diets will cause bone loss, but not as rapidly as a lack of exercise. People who argue that acidic diets are the primary cause of bone loss, have a big flaw in their argument: There are lots of meat-eaters with strong bones, despite a bad diet. Also, obese women and men rarely get osteoporosis because they get lots of weight bearing exercise just carrying their bodies around, regardless of their diet and calcium intake. Lighter women and men don’t have enough weight—unless they run or jog to add stress to their bones. Therefore, lighter men and women need to engage in weight-bearing activities in order to strengthen their bones. Swimming is a good illustration of how a lack of stress on bones plays out—because runners have higher femur bone densities than swimmers.
It’s never been proven that a plant-based diet alone can reverse osteoporosis. It has been proven that exercise reverses osteoporosis. In fact, NASA regularly reverses osteoporosis in astronauts when they return to earth with an exercise program, not a change in diet. In fact, on that basis alone, exercise is the most proven way to reverse bone loss. (Osteoporosis is a potentially huge problem for long-term space flight because, due to the lack of gravity, NASA is afraid they’d end up with boneless astronauts!
There are no known studies which factor both exercise and diet into the equation to determine which is most important. There are, however, hundreds, if not thousands, of studies which show far more dramatic differences in bone density between those who get regular exercise and those who do not. And those differences are gigantic compared to studies that show differences in bone density between people eating different diets. On that basis alone, one has to conclude that exercise is the most important factor affecting bone density. The effect of weight-bearing activity on bone density is extraordinarily well-documented and has consistently shown the same results over decades regardless of diet.
A recent study showed that varying levels of calcium intake, ranging from 500 mg a day to 1800 mg a day, had absolutely no effect on bone strength. It was the exercise women got that was the key determinant in building strong bones.
We’re worrying about vitamin A and vitamin D and getting enough calcium—but no one is worrying about getting enough exercise. Our worries are solely the result of advertising by the dairy industry and the government, which sponsors the dairy industry. To think you can just eat your way out of osteoporosis or take calcium supplements is ridiculous.
Don’t worry about calcium. Do worry about exercise. We have this crazy idea that somehow cows produce calcium. They’re simply storage systems for the calcium they get from the plants they eat. Calcium comes from the earth, like all other minerals—and plant foods are the best place not only to get calcium but all the other minerals a body needs. Get your calcium from inexpensive plant foods like the rest of the world does. Plant foods will keep your blood acid level in balance because they’re alkaline, not acidic. Like protein, calcium is found in all plant foods and the amounts will easily supply the requirements of growing children and mature adults.
Calcium from plant foods is more easily absorbed by bone than calcium from dairy products and unlike dairy, calcium from plants comes in a disease-fighting, low-fat, high fiber package. Cut back or eliminate all foods that contribute to high acid levels. Diet and exercise are the keys to preventing and reversing osteoporosis. A change in diet will prevent bone loss and exercise is the way to build strong bones.
Here’s a quick comparison of plant and dairy foods’ calcium per 100 calories: arugula 1,300; bok choy 1,055; Turnip greens 921; Watercress 800, Collard greens 559; Mustard greens 490; Spinach 450; Broccoli 387; Romaine lettuce 257; Swiss cheese 250; Milk (2-percent) 245; Green onions 240; Okra 213; Cabbage 196; Whole milk 190; Sesame seeds 170; Cheddar cheese 179; Soybeans 134; Cucumber 108.
The above is excerpted almost completely from The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle by Mike Anderson. I received this book and its companion DVD, Eating, by donating to WBAI-Radio’s fund drive. I highly recommend these and expect to share more with you in the future. Please email me at NYCarol8@aol.com with your questions or comments.
Monday, December 14, 2009
By Diane Bargonetti, ND, CTN
(Article conceived in the spirit of Edgar Cayce--The Sleeping Prophet’s belief that good health should be reflected in the products of the day. Let’s explore the possibilities that might exist if Cayce lived today.)
As the Resident naturopath at the ARENYC, I recommend 3 simple basics for good health:
Keep your blood moving (Circulation)
Stand up straight (Posture)
Practice deep breathing (Respiration).
I call these basics the CPR of Good Health—all of which are skillfully integrated in THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD.
The Cayce Readings totally endorse exercise and good blood flow (circulation); good spinal health and correct posture; and the benefits of deep breathing (respiration). So, I often wonder if Cayce was aware of the burgeoning Feldenkrais Method which began in the 1950’s?
Both Cayce Philosophy and The Feldenkrais Method recognize that from an early age we learn to rely on “habitual movements.” When we move without conscious thought in our everyday activities, we often strain ourselves without even knowing it. Interestingly, we are very aware of the pain, exhaustion and depression that can accompany these inexplicable injuries but are seldom aware of their real cause---poor posture and habitual movement patterns.
Using the Feldenkrais Melthod you can retrain your central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) to experience all the possibilities available to the human skeleton. With practice, old detrimental patterns of movement and posture can be eliminated and subtly replaced with new skills that improve the physical, mental, and emotional functioning of the body. In this way, unconscious movement is brought into conscious awareness where it may be used as a tool for opening the human potential. (Certainly Caycean in philosophy !)
With Feldenkrais you can either attend a group class or work with a practitioner one-on-one. Either way, the practitioner guides you through a series of simple physical movements that offer you the opportunity to increase flexibility and expand range of motion physically and mentally. I say, “offer you” because Feldenkrais is a form of mind/body education that relies on you to become more self-determined to improve your life through the use of movement and posture. Your results reflect your efforts and resolve.
As Cayce aptly put it, “Posture mirrors your reaction to life.” Does this “droop-shouldered, pop-bellied” stance look familiar? Do you think it is possible to stand hunched over and still look at life positively? What message does your posture send out? Depression? Unhappiness? A sense of being burdened? Or, joy, self-confidence and determination?
Like Cayce, I believe our posture echoes our self-image and emotional state, along with reflecting our inner health. All major organs are located in the torso, so, by keeping your torso in shape, good health translates to these, oh-so important major internal organs. By slouching you set in motion a chain reaction throughout your organs—a chain reaction of inefficiency.
You can instantly change your health by incorporating the CPR of Good Health into your life! So, keep your blood moving, stand up straight and deep breathe. Even though The Feldenkrais Method is approached from a “posture/movement” perspective, the elements of circulation and respiration are subtle by-products and/or catalysts. “The general exercises, the general activities of the body, will have more to do with keeping the posture than making any corrections, see?” (628-3)
So, take a deep breath and with a tall, straight spine exuding success, energetically look for a friendly Feldenkrais class—I think Edgar Cayce would approve! drdibargo@earthlink.net
(Article conceived in the spirit of Edgar Cayce--The Sleeping Prophet’s belief that good health should be reflected in the products of the day. Let’s explore the possibilities that might exist if Cayce lived today.)
As the Resident naturopath at the ARENYC, I recommend 3 simple basics for good health:
Keep your blood moving (Circulation)
Stand up straight (Posture)
Practice deep breathing (Respiration).
I call these basics the CPR of Good Health—all of which are skillfully integrated in THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD.
The Cayce Readings totally endorse exercise and good blood flow (circulation); good spinal health and correct posture; and the benefits of deep breathing (respiration). So, I often wonder if Cayce was aware of the burgeoning Feldenkrais Method which began in the 1950’s?
Both Cayce Philosophy and The Feldenkrais Method recognize that from an early age we learn to rely on “habitual movements.” When we move without conscious thought in our everyday activities, we often strain ourselves without even knowing it. Interestingly, we are very aware of the pain, exhaustion and depression that can accompany these inexplicable injuries but are seldom aware of their real cause---poor posture and habitual movement patterns.
Using the Feldenkrais Melthod you can retrain your central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) to experience all the possibilities available to the human skeleton. With practice, old detrimental patterns of movement and posture can be eliminated and subtly replaced with new skills that improve the physical, mental, and emotional functioning of the body. In this way, unconscious movement is brought into conscious awareness where it may be used as a tool for opening the human potential. (Certainly Caycean in philosophy !)
With Feldenkrais you can either attend a group class or work with a practitioner one-on-one. Either way, the practitioner guides you through a series of simple physical movements that offer you the opportunity to increase flexibility and expand range of motion physically and mentally. I say, “offer you” because Feldenkrais is a form of mind/body education that relies on you to become more self-determined to improve your life through the use of movement and posture. Your results reflect your efforts and resolve.
As Cayce aptly put it, “Posture mirrors your reaction to life.” Does this “droop-shouldered, pop-bellied” stance look familiar? Do you think it is possible to stand hunched over and still look at life positively? What message does your posture send out? Depression? Unhappiness? A sense of being burdened? Or, joy, self-confidence and determination?
Like Cayce, I believe our posture echoes our self-image and emotional state, along with reflecting our inner health. All major organs are located in the torso, so, by keeping your torso in shape, good health translates to these, oh-so important major internal organs. By slouching you set in motion a chain reaction throughout your organs—a chain reaction of inefficiency.
You can instantly change your health by incorporating the CPR of Good Health into your life! So, keep your blood moving, stand up straight and deep breathe. Even though The Feldenkrais Method is approached from a “posture/movement” perspective, the elements of circulation and respiration are subtle by-products and/or catalysts. “The general exercises, the general activities of the body, will have more to do with keeping the posture than making any corrections, see?” (628-3)
So, take a deep breath and with a tall, straight spine exuding success, energetically look for a friendly Feldenkrais class—I think Edgar Cayce would approve! drdibargo@earthlink.net
(Article conceived in the spirit of Edgar Cayce--The Sleeping Prophet’s belief that good health should be reflected in the products of the day. Let’s explore the possibilities that might exist if Cayce lived today.)
Believe it or not, there is a way to recreate sunlight in your home--sunlight, that is, without the detrimental sideffects of UV radiation! It is called the Bioptron Light!
The Bioptron Light is a medical innovation from Europe that helps the body release its own healing potential by supporting the regenerative and rebalancing capabilities. (Cayce would surely love that!) Once delivered to the tissues, the light energy promotes the process of biostimulation (which means that it stimulates diverse biological processes in a positive manner). For the average person this means improved circulation, metabolism, and immunity, as well as, promotion of wound healing and relief from pain.
“Keep the body under the sunlight, either directly or artificially, as much as possible. This for the strengthening of the blood supply and for the activity of the chrysalis, or of the forces as will build HYPERLINK "http://www.are-cayce.org/ecreadings/glossmed.html" \l "CALCIUM" \t "rightmain" calcium in the system. Do that.” (Reading142-5)
The Bioptron Light comes in a small hand-held version or larger table and floor models. I find that I get the most use out of the middle size light which can be used with both the table and floor stands.
Perhaps Hippocrates’ healing philosophy has begun to re-influence the medical fields: "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" (respect “the healing power of nature"). Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine, was known to use Heliotherapy (treating disease with sunlight). Avicenna, circa 1037 AD, disciple of Aristotle’s work, advanced the art of healing with color in both diagnosis and treatment. The Bioptron Light combines both philosophies—light and color. (Seven chakra color filters are available.) Cayce just might see Bioptron Therapy as a revision of ancient healing technology.
Why do people spend hours baking in the sun? Generally, because they think their skin looks better tanned. Cayce said: ”—to get a suntan would now not be well for this body, for it would burn tissue before it would tan” (Reading 276-7) Would Cayce say: “The Bioptron Light to the rescue?” After all, with frequent use, the Bioptron Light can greatly improve your skin’s texture and radiance. With continuous use, age spots fade and the face feels and looks rejuvenated—some might call it a Light Face Lift. The Bioptron light can perk you up—giving you an energy boost, or the light can relax you with its soothing effect.
In reading (934-2), Cayce says to opt for the real sun over the ultraviolet lamp. So, let me be very clear that the Bioptron technology has nothing to do with ultraviolet lamps. It is part of the full-spectrum light technology where sunlight is brought indoors with light bulbs. The Bioptron Light is just a more sophisticated application of this technology.
“These, in this particular condition, will be better even than the sun’s rays.” (Reading 6-1) Could that be interpreted to mean Cayce might be a Bioptron believer if he lived in today’s technological revolution? For more info: drdibargo@earthlink.net.
Diane Bargonetti, N.D.
Believe it or not, there is a way to recreate sunlight in your home--sunlight, that is, without the detrimental sideffects of UV radiation! It is called the Bioptron Light!
The Bioptron Light is a medical innovation from Europe that helps the body release its own healing potential by supporting the regenerative and rebalancing capabilities. (Cayce would surely love that!) Once delivered to the tissues, the light energy promotes the process of biostimulation (which means that it stimulates diverse biological processes in a positive manner). For the average person this means improved circulation, metabolism, and immunity, as well as, promotion of wound healing and relief from pain.
“Keep the body under the sunlight, either directly or artificially, as much as possible. This for the strengthening of the blood supply and for the activity of the chrysalis, or of the forces as will build HYPERLINK "http://www.are-cayce.org/ecreadings/glossmed.html" \l "CALCIUM" \t "rightmain" calcium in the system. Do that.” (Reading142-5)
The Bioptron Light comes in a small hand-held version or larger table and floor models. I find that I get the most use out of the middle size light which can be used with both the table and floor stands.
Perhaps Hippocrates’ healing philosophy has begun to re-influence the medical fields: "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" (respect “the healing power of nature"). Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine, was known to use Heliotherapy (treating disease with sunlight). Avicenna, circa 1037 AD, disciple of Aristotle’s work, advanced the art of healing with color in both diagnosis and treatment. The Bioptron Light combines both philosophies—light and color. (Seven chakra color filters are available.) Cayce just might see Bioptron Therapy as a revision of ancient healing technology.
Why do people spend hours baking in the sun? Generally, because they think their skin looks better tanned. Cayce said: ”—to get a suntan would now not be well for this body, for it would burn tissue before it would tan” (Reading 276-7) Would Cayce say: “The Bioptron Light to the rescue?” After all, with frequent use, the Bioptron Light can greatly improve your skin’s texture and radiance. With continuous use, age spots fade and the face feels and looks rejuvenated—some might call it a Light Face Lift. The Bioptron light can perk you up—giving you an energy boost, or the light can relax you with its soothing effect.
In reading (934-2), Cayce says to opt for the real sun over the ultraviolet lamp. So, let me be very clear that the Bioptron technology has nothing to do with ultraviolet lamps. It is part of the full-spectrum light technology where sunlight is brought indoors with light bulbs. The Bioptron Light is just a more sophisticated application of this technology.
“These, in this particular condition, will be better even than the sun’s rays.” (Reading 6-1) Could that be interpreted to mean Cayce might be a Bioptron believer if he lived in today’s technological revolution? For more info: drdibargo@earthlink.net.
Diane Bargonetti, N.D.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Support A.R.E. of NY When You Search or Shop Online
Would you like money to go to A.R.E. of NY every time you do a search online? When you shop online, wouldn't it be great if a percentage of your purchase price went to A.R.E. of NY? Wouldn't it be great if A.R.E. got this financial donation without you spending an extra cent?
It all happens at Goodsearch ( www.goodsearch.com )! Just go to the site, sign up and register your favorite charity as your recipient. (To register A.R.E. of NY, you will need to type out "Association for Research and Enlightenment of New York.") Then go to Goodsearch instead of Google when you need to search. A penny goes to A.R.E. for every search. If you think a penny is too small to matter, think again. When lots of people do lots of searches, it adds up!
You can access Goodshop through Goodsearch -- or go to www.goodsearch.com/goodshop.aspx Make sure your charity is registered. Then choose from a list of participating stores -- or search by the item you want to purchase. You'll be forwarded to the site of your chosen store. Shop as you normally would, and because you accessed the store via Goodshop, a percentage of the purchase amount goes to A.R.E. of NY. (Amount of donation varies from store to store.)
Your holiday shopping can become a boon for A.R.E.! Not only that -- are you flying somewhere for the holidays or traveling by rail or renting a car? Do you plan to book a hotel or a cruise? You can do it all through Goodshop and benefit A.R.E. Sending flowers to someone for any occasion? Please consider doing that through Goodshop as well.
A.R.E of NY is already getting those checks from Goodsearch because of our members and friends who participate. The more who sign on, the larger the benefit for A.R.E. So please sign up with Goodsearch today and give painlessly! Thank you.
It all happens at Goodsearch ( www.goodsearch.com )! Just go to the site, sign up and register your favorite charity as your recipient. (To register A.R.E. of NY, you will need to type out "Association for Research and Enlightenment of New York.") Then go to Goodsearch instead of Google when you need to search. A penny goes to A.R.E. for every search. If you think a penny is too small to matter, think again. When lots of people do lots of searches, it adds up!
You can access Goodshop through Goodsearch -- or go to www.goodsearch.com/goodshop.aspx Make sure your charity is registered. Then choose from a list of participating stores -- or search by the item you want to purchase. You'll be forwarded to the site of your chosen store. Shop as you normally would, and because you accessed the store via Goodshop, a percentage of the purchase amount goes to A.R.E. of NY. (Amount of donation varies from store to store.)
Your holiday shopping can become a boon for A.R.E.! Not only that -- are you flying somewhere for the holidays or traveling by rail or renting a car? Do you plan to book a hotel or a cruise? You can do it all through Goodshop and benefit A.R.E. Sending flowers to someone for any occasion? Please consider doing that through Goodshop as well.
A.R.E of NY is already getting those checks from Goodsearch because of our members and friends who participate. The more who sign on, the larger the benefit for A.R.E. So please sign up with Goodsearch today and give painlessly! Thank you.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
by Zachary Feder
Cayce once said that if you cleansed the mind and lived a pure life for seven years you would become a light unto the world. Today science tells us that it takes exactly this amount of time for all the cells in the human body to reproduce themselves. In seven years we actually become an entirely new human being. We don’t even have to do anything. The change happens on its own. The only question that perhaps remains is - how much are we willing to give to this change? How many other parts of ourselves are we willing to transform along side it? Every seven years the cells in our body are different, but what else is?
When I read this quote in Sydney Kirkpatrick’s sterling biography Edgar Cayce, American Prophet - it stood out as one of the most vital messages to us given by source. In the final years of Cayce’s life, he asked those around him what they all ultimately wanted. Their answer was simple. Transformation.
“If you want to know what you have to work on just look around you,” When I first heard Kevin Todeschi say this it rang true for me. Clearly the most important question to ask oneself on the road to personal development is - what are my triggers? Who are my triggers? Under what circumstances am I losing my trust, my faith, my love? When we are triggered in daily life it is usually not an isolated incident. We have often seen the stimulae that is triggering us before. More often than not we have met with it many, many times. Jealousy, fear, insecurity. Most of us know our triggers intimately. We know where our skin is thinnest.
When events trigger us today we often feel overwhelmed. A sudden rush of emotion that we find ourselves unable to navigate in. But it is perfectly normal. The wave has been building for years. What triggers us today are usually only the very last of a long line of events that have been stacked for years upon a first. Upon a single initial event that created the trauma originally. One that was never addressed, never healed, and so remained in the psyche continuing to be reinforced by the stacking of every subsequent similar trauma until a wound had been created that was so sore, and so sensitive, that even someone brushing past it could set it off. In common parlance we call these stacked triggers our buttons.
In the coming months the A.R.E. will begin an enquiry into the infrastructure of the ‘trigger’. A series of presentations designed to show how the revisiting of past trauma and a healing of original trauma is the only way to free oneself from the past. Above all it will attempt to provide individuals with a way to create a solid emotional foundation upon which further personal development and in particular meditation can flourish.
With the arrival of our 12th anniversary the A.R.E. has a further two years before its second ‘cellular’ change has taken place. Please consider revisiting the center today or visiting our website to support the cause of positive transformation.
Zachary Feder
Center Director
ARE of New York
Cayce once said that if you cleansed the mind and lived a pure life for seven years you would become a light unto the world. Today science tells us that it takes exactly this amount of time for all the cells in the human body to reproduce themselves. In seven years we actually become an entirely new human being. We don’t even have to do anything. The change happens on its own. The only question that perhaps remains is - how much are we willing to give to this change? How many other parts of ourselves are we willing to transform along side it? Every seven years the cells in our body are different, but what else is?
When I read this quote in Sydney Kirkpatrick’s sterling biography Edgar Cayce, American Prophet - it stood out as one of the most vital messages to us given by source. In the final years of Cayce’s life, he asked those around him what they all ultimately wanted. Their answer was simple. Transformation.
“If you want to know what you have to work on just look around you,” When I first heard Kevin Todeschi say this it rang true for me. Clearly the most important question to ask oneself on the road to personal development is - what are my triggers? Who are my triggers? Under what circumstances am I losing my trust, my faith, my love? When we are triggered in daily life it is usually not an isolated incident. We have often seen the stimulae that is triggering us before. More often than not we have met with it many, many times. Jealousy, fear, insecurity. Most of us know our triggers intimately. We know where our skin is thinnest.
When events trigger us today we often feel overwhelmed. A sudden rush of emotion that we find ourselves unable to navigate in. But it is perfectly normal. The wave has been building for years. What triggers us today are usually only the very last of a long line of events that have been stacked for years upon a first. Upon a single initial event that created the trauma originally. One that was never addressed, never healed, and so remained in the psyche continuing to be reinforced by the stacking of every subsequent similar trauma until a wound had been created that was so sore, and so sensitive, that even someone brushing past it could set it off. In common parlance we call these stacked triggers our buttons.
In the coming months the A.R.E. will begin an enquiry into the infrastructure of the ‘trigger’. A series of presentations designed to show how the revisiting of past trauma and a healing of original trauma is the only way to free oneself from the past. Above all it will attempt to provide individuals with a way to create a solid emotional foundation upon which further personal development and in particular meditation can flourish.
With the arrival of our 12th anniversary the A.R.E. has a further two years before its second ‘cellular’ change has taken place. Please consider revisiting the center today or visiting our website to support the cause of positive transformation.
Zachary Feder
Center Director
ARE of New York
Nominations Requested for Board of Trustees
by Lynne Miceli
The A.R.E. of NY Board of Trustees is now accepting nominees for the Board. Do you know someone who could bring helpful skills, expertise, experience or leadership to the Board? (We could use a C.P.A. with a spiritual bent. Other areas of expertise that could be beneficial now include but are not limited to: fund-raising, grant-writing, public relations, marketing, investments.) According to the bylaws, to qualify for election to the Board, a candidate should:
* Be a Member or Life Member for the last five years
* Have a previous background of organizational leadership experience or other specialized qualifications;
* Have demonstrated a character and personal life acceptable to the Board;
* Not be a paid employee of A.R.E. or the spouse of a paid employee
* Agree that the ideals and purposes of the Corporation are wholly acceptable to him/her;
* Have received personal help as a result of his/her contact with the Edgar Cayce readings;
However, by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees, specific requirements may be waived.
Trusteeship is a unique and highly rewarding opportunity for service, combining spiritual and practical energies. If you would like to serve or would like to suggest someone, contact Lynne Miceli (turquoisefire3836@gmail.com) for an application form. Applications should be submitted by November 16, 2009. Thank you.
The A.R.E. of NY Board of Trustees is now accepting nominees for the Board. Do you know someone who could bring helpful skills, expertise, experience or leadership to the Board? (We could use a C.P.A. with a spiritual bent. Other areas of expertise that could be beneficial now include but are not limited to: fund-raising, grant-writing, public relations, marketing, investments.) According to the bylaws, to qualify for election to the Board, a candidate should:
* Be a Member or Life Member for the last five years
* Have a previous background of organizational leadership experience or other specialized qualifications;
* Have demonstrated a character and personal life acceptable to the Board;
* Not be a paid employee of A.R.E. or the spouse of a paid employee
* Agree that the ideals and purposes of the Corporation are wholly acceptable to him/her;
* Have received personal help as a result of his/her contact with the Edgar Cayce readings;
However, by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees, specific requirements may be waived.
Trusteeship is a unique and highly rewarding opportunity for service, combining spiritual and practical energies. If you would like to serve or would like to suggest someone, contact Lynne Miceli (turquoisefire3836@gmail.com) for an application form. Applications should be submitted by November 16, 2009. Thank you.
Helen Pancic

According to her son, Alex Pancic, Helen was born in 1929 and lived her whole life in Brooklyn, attending Erasmus Hall High School and Hunter College. She worked as a biochemist until she married and had a son two children.
After her children left home, Helen blossomed into a new phase of life. At age 50-something she began a career as a clown. She also joined a singing group, an acting troop, and was very active in the local Brooklyn Senior Citizen’s Chapter. Helen stood up for what she believed in and was not content to simply complain. She felt it was every citizen’s place to fight injustices and greed. From her involvement with Women Strike for Peace in the 1960s to the Raging Grannies only a few months ago, Helen would not be silent in standing up for what was right.
Her quest for peace and spirituality led her to renew her involvement with the
Rosicrucians and join the A.R.E. in the 1980s. She spent much of her later years in reading, study and contemplation -- and went on several trips with the ARE, including a trip to Egypt in 1998 to see the pyramids of Giza.
A memorial service was held for Helen at A.R.E. of NY in August. Her son, Alex, would like to thank A.R.E. members for their prayers for Helen. And we at A.R.E. NY will be forever grateful to Helen for her loving service.
Oil of Wild Oregano to the Rescue
by Carol Schneider
Wild oregano was found among the medicinal plants buried in the grave of a Mesopotamian queen carbon-dated to be 50,000 years old. Ancient clay tablets in Babylonia tell of oregano used as medicine, likewise records of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Sixteenth century Europeans hung oregano in dairies to prevent microbial growth in milk and in contaminated hospital rooms to sterilize the air. Modern medicine has not discovered it yet, or have they?
We once thought antibiotics were the solution to all infections, but we know now it is only bacterial infections, and their use is limited as bacteria mutate and become resistant. Other infections are viral or fungal or parasitic and cannot be eradicated with drugs, only the symptoms reduced, but the illness may actually be prolonged: fungi at bay but not for long, and parasites forming protective cysts against the enemy to resurface when the coast is clear, as drugs further impoverish the immune system.
“Oil of wild oregano is blanket protection against uncountable disorders, particularly infectious diseases.” Dr. Ingram, in The Cure is in the Cupboard, explains that the oil contains two natural antiseptic phenols, carvacrol and thymol, which work synergistically to make wild oregano oil infinitely more potent than commercial phenol (used in Listerine) in microbial killing power; “It is such a potent antiseptic that it sterilizes raw sewage.”
Unlike the culinary form of oregano, Origanum Compactum, containing from 45-65% combined phenols, Origanum Vulgare, the miraculous medicinal wild oregano, contains 90% of these oils. Dr. Ingram notes that “wild oregano is a natural mineral treasure-trove, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food,” and this accounts in part for its healing power.
Where antibiotics will not work for conditions caused by other than bacteria, this natural antiseptic will. The best reasons for using oregano oil are in the testimonials cited in The Cure is in the Cupboard:
(1) After 6 weeks, unremitting flu was cured in 3 days with Oregamax, along with two drops of Oreganol 3x daily.
(2) An abscessed tooth was entirely healed in 3 days with Oreganol on sterile cotton placed between the check and infected tooth, changing it twice daily.
(3) A chronic middle ear infection cost a man 40% hearing loss; he used a drop of Oreganol diluted in each ear daily for a week and the hearing impairment and infection were entirely eliminated.
(4) Tea tree oil was used to treat a spider bite and inflamed it. Emergency room couldn’t help; there was extreme weakness and flu-like symptoms and the inflammation/wound grew to 4” with the center of the bite necrosing. Oreganol was applied to the area and over that a covering of raw honey to keep oil from evaporating, and all covered with gauze; 6 Oregamax 4x daily plus 3 drops oil taken 4x internally as well; within 72 hours the symptoms were gone.
(5) Oreganol applied to poison ivy immediately relieved itching, and rash and sores within 4 days.
(6) Stomach pain suffered from parasites for 5 years cured in 4 days of taking 3 drops of Oreganol daily.
(7) Painful, tiny splinter surfaces next day using 1 drop of Oreganol.
(8) A man began using oregano oil internally and found relief from his arthritis and chronic constipation. His skin grew clearer and he feels 20 years younger. He hasn't had cold or flu since incorporating oregano oil into his daily regimen.
Wild oregano helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radical damage occurs during all inflammation, for example, that of degenerative arthritis and the aging process. Oregano contains four anti-asthmatic compounds; six compounds that are expectorants; seven that lower blood pressure; and nineteen antibacterial compounds.
The uses for oil of oregano are unlimited: used to relieve diarrhea, intestinal gas, and digestive problems, as well as sore throat and breathing difficulties, athlete’s foot, warts, urinary infection, rosacea, dandruff, diaper rash. Oregano oil should be in everyone's first aid kit to help neutralize bee stings and many venomous bites until medical attention can be reached.
Oregano oil is extremely strong, and only small amounts are needed, so use as recommended. For rubbing on the skin it may be necessary to use large amounts, so if the skin is sensitive, such as the mucous membranes, it can be diluted in a fatty medium like olive oil or coconut oil. Large amounts of the oil can be put into gelatin capsules for easier swallowing.
Wild oregano is a natural food preservative. Used as Oregamax (the crushed leaves of wild oregano), wild oregano is delicious in foods such as meat, eggs, milk and cheese,as it keeps these protein based foods from spoiling. As Oregano Oil, a few drops in water as a cleansing wash for raw fruits and vegetables and salad, will greatly halt the growth of microbes and reduce the risk of food poisoning. The oil is highly solvent, which aids in its delivery, and makes it useful in cleaning. Add it to a mild soap solution instead of using toxic commercial cleansers for cleaning kitchen and bath. You will change the energy in the air if you put a few drops in water in a spray bottle and use anywhere in the house against molds, bacteria and viruses.
It takes 100 pounds of wild oregano to make one pound of oil, but only costs $17 for a one ounce bottle of oregano oil. This potent oil should be in everyone's survival kit, especially if CODEX is adopted by our government, and our supplements are “harmonized” into useless amounts at prescription prices. Oreganol and Oregamax, made only by North American Herb & Spice Company are available in health food stores.
Most of the above information comes from The Cure is in the Cupboard and Supermarket Cures, both by Dr. Cass Ingram. You can reach me with any questions at NYCarol8@aol.com
Wild oregano was found among the medicinal plants buried in the grave of a Mesopotamian queen carbon-dated to be 50,000 years old. Ancient clay tablets in Babylonia tell of oregano used as medicine, likewise records of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Sixteenth century Europeans hung oregano in dairies to prevent microbial growth in milk and in contaminated hospital rooms to sterilize the air. Modern medicine has not discovered it yet, or have they?
We once thought antibiotics were the solution to all infections, but we know now it is only bacterial infections, and their use is limited as bacteria mutate and become resistant. Other infections are viral or fungal or parasitic and cannot be eradicated with drugs, only the symptoms reduced, but the illness may actually be prolonged: fungi at bay but not for long, and parasites forming protective cysts against the enemy to resurface when the coast is clear, as drugs further impoverish the immune system.
“Oil of wild oregano is blanket protection against uncountable disorders, particularly infectious diseases.” Dr. Ingram, in The Cure is in the Cupboard, explains that the oil contains two natural antiseptic phenols, carvacrol and thymol, which work synergistically to make wild oregano oil infinitely more potent than commercial phenol (used in Listerine) in microbial killing power; “It is such a potent antiseptic that it sterilizes raw sewage.”
Unlike the culinary form of oregano, Origanum Compactum, containing from 45-65% combined phenols, Origanum Vulgare, the miraculous medicinal wild oregano, contains 90% of these oils. Dr. Ingram notes that “wild oregano is a natural mineral treasure-trove, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food,” and this accounts in part for its healing power.
Where antibiotics will not work for conditions caused by other than bacteria, this natural antiseptic will. The best reasons for using oregano oil are in the testimonials cited in The Cure is in the Cupboard:
(1) After 6 weeks, unremitting flu was cured in 3 days with Oregamax, along with two drops of Oreganol 3x daily.
(2) An abscessed tooth was entirely healed in 3 days with Oreganol on sterile cotton placed between the check and infected tooth, changing it twice daily.
(3) A chronic middle ear infection cost a man 40% hearing loss; he used a drop of Oreganol diluted in each ear daily for a week and the hearing impairment and infection were entirely eliminated.
(4) Tea tree oil was used to treat a spider bite and inflamed it. Emergency room couldn’t help; there was extreme weakness and flu-like symptoms and the inflammation/wound grew to 4” with the center of the bite necrosing. Oreganol was applied to the area and over that a covering of raw honey to keep oil from evaporating, and all covered with gauze; 6 Oregamax 4x daily plus 3 drops oil taken 4x internally as well; within 72 hours the symptoms were gone.
(5) Oreganol applied to poison ivy immediately relieved itching, and rash and sores within 4 days.
(6) Stomach pain suffered from parasites for 5 years cured in 4 days of taking 3 drops of Oreganol daily.
(7) Painful, tiny splinter surfaces next day using 1 drop of Oreganol.
(8) A man began using oregano oil internally and found relief from his arthritis and chronic constipation. His skin grew clearer and he feels 20 years younger. He hasn't had cold or flu since incorporating oregano oil into his daily regimen.
Wild oregano helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radical damage occurs during all inflammation, for example, that of degenerative arthritis and the aging process. Oregano contains four anti-asthmatic compounds; six compounds that are expectorants; seven that lower blood pressure; and nineteen antibacterial compounds.
The uses for oil of oregano are unlimited: used to relieve diarrhea, intestinal gas, and digestive problems, as well as sore throat and breathing difficulties, athlete’s foot, warts, urinary infection, rosacea, dandruff, diaper rash. Oregano oil should be in everyone's first aid kit to help neutralize bee stings and many venomous bites until medical attention can be reached.
Oregano oil is extremely strong, and only small amounts are needed, so use as recommended. For rubbing on the skin it may be necessary to use large amounts, so if the skin is sensitive, such as the mucous membranes, it can be diluted in a fatty medium like olive oil or coconut oil. Large amounts of the oil can be put into gelatin capsules for easier swallowing.
Wild oregano is a natural food preservative. Used as Oregamax (the crushed leaves of wild oregano), wild oregano is delicious in foods such as meat, eggs, milk and cheese,as it keeps these protein based foods from spoiling. As Oregano Oil, a few drops in water as a cleansing wash for raw fruits and vegetables and salad, will greatly halt the growth of microbes and reduce the risk of food poisoning. The oil is highly solvent, which aids in its delivery, and makes it useful in cleaning. Add it to a mild soap solution instead of using toxic commercial cleansers for cleaning kitchen and bath. You will change the energy in the air if you put a few drops in water in a spray bottle and use anywhere in the house against molds, bacteria and viruses.
It takes 100 pounds of wild oregano to make one pound of oil, but only costs $17 for a one ounce bottle of oregano oil. This potent oil should be in everyone's survival kit, especially if CODEX is adopted by our government, and our supplements are “harmonized” into useless amounts at prescription prices. Oreganol and Oregamax, made only by North American Herb & Spice Company are available in health food stores.
Most of the above information comes from The Cure is in the Cupboard and Supermarket Cures, both by Dr. Cass Ingram. You can reach me with any questions at NYCarol8@aol.com

(Article conceived in the spirit of Edgar Cayce’s belief that good health should be reflected in the products of the day. Let’s explore the possibilities that might exist if Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet, lived today.)
Over the years I saw numerous people at the ARENYC for conditions such as fatigue, constipation, digestive issues, skin problems, weight concerns, and premature aging. Few of them realize all of these conditions can be manifestations of dehydration.
Edgar Cayce had many references to the importance of drinking water in his readings. “The care of the body in general—keeping plenty of water for the system, internal and external…will build the body to its normal resistance.” (Reading 583-4)
“…and above all, drink plenty of water everyday, that there may be a flushing of the kidneys, so that uric acid and the poisons that have been as accumulations may be removed.” (Reading 2273-1)
Today, many of us use some type of water filtration system in our homes. The most popular being the carbon-filtered type. I seriously doubt Cayce would disagree with using carbon-filtered water in this polluted world, but I wonder what he might say about the addition of Prill Beads?
Prill Beads are tiny, asymmetrical white pieces of rock—magnesium oxide infused with Life Force. Prill Beads transform your water to pure, glacial water. You can add Prill Beads to any water—even tap, but it is best to use them with the carbon-filtered water.
Prill Beads come in a tiny mesh bag. Boil them for a couple of minutes before using. Then, place the mesh bag of Prill Beads in a gallon glass jug. Fill with carbon-filtered water and wait 24 hours. Next, pour off 3 quarts and refill the bottle with water. That’s it. From now to forever, you can make 3 quarts of Prill water every hour.
When asked “Is it well to be using hot water, cooled, for drinking, to avoid the chemicals put into it to purify it?” Cayce states, “If the water has come to a boil, it is well. If it hasn’t you’ve just changed the chemicals into that which may be active! Boil the water, then put it on ice or {put} ice in it.” (Reading1861-18) So, water contamination of some sort was already a concern back then. Today, there is an alarm sounding! But don’t despair…Prill Beads can help.
Prill Beads are not a water filtration system—they energize your water as they neutralize chlorine, fluorine and many other contaminants. With Prill Beads water molecules are changed—they become closer together, making it taste and feel like thin water. Thin water can more easily permeate the skin, making it a deeply penetrating moisturizer, both internally and externally. You can use Prill Water in humidifiers, take baths with it, cook with it, give it to plants and pets, and so on. This fabulous water will also begin to clean local water sources as it is reintroduced into the water supply system.
Another bonus: Prill Water is extremely alkalizing (Cayce would surely love that!).
Using Prill Water encourages detoxification. Reports to me include amazing colon re-adjustments, improved digestion, enhanced joint health, better lung capacity, softer skin, more energy, etc. In fact, Prill Water is promoted as being anti-aging!
It’s easy to see why I love my Prill Water—and I truly believe Cayce would love it too. Perhaps you need to experience Prill Water for yourself in order to make your own determination. Email me at drdibargo@earthlink.net for further info.
By Jennifer Borchers
Water Spirits in the Red Sea
This story was told to me by Martin Zoller, a clairvoyant from Switzerland, who gave several lectures to a staff club at the United Nations. It also appeared in the newsletter of the UNSRC Enlightenment Society of which I was president for five years. I will let Martin tell his story:
“When I was last at my home in Switzerland from Bolivia where I live, I met a dwarf – the invisible kind. They are part of the kingdom of nature spirits. I have also seen them in Central Park and in Bolivia. The dwarf in Switzerland told me about water-dwarfs – the ones that live under water. He said their skin is like that of fishes, but that they can also walk on the earth. Further, he said they were a bit “hard”, not that they were rude, but they had strong characters. Finally, he said that I might have the opportunity to see them on my upcoming trip to Egypt.
“I travelled with my girl friend to Egypt soon after and we looked for them. While we were at the beach, I asked telepathically where they were. Just a few minutes later, I saw them coming out of the water onto the beach. There were four of them. They talked very fast and we asked them to please slow down. They told us about how they live and what they do. My girlfriend and I planned to go diving, and they promised to meet with us under water.
“I have been diving for several years and never saw anything except normal three-dimensional creatures under water. So, I was more eager to go scuba diving than ever before. The Red Sea is a scuba diving paradise anyway, but anticipating seeing beings from another dimension was very exciting.
“About a week later we went in a motorboat in a group of seven people to one of the reefs in the Red Sea. The first dive was very nice but nothing extraordinary happened. We saw many beautiful fishes with thousands of colors. It was like being on another planet. Just imagine, you walk on the beach of the Red Sea, and look at the country side, and there is only desert and hardly any plants or flowers. But here, under the water, was a totally different landscape! There was color everywhere. There were underwater plants, and fishes of every color, but alas, no water dwarves.
“We went back to the boat and had lunch. After a peaceful siesta under the open sky, three of us prepared for a second dive, my girlfriend, the diving instructor and myself. For some 30 minutes we swam around the reef. Just when we started to go back, I felt the presence of invisible beings. I looked around and saw a group of 20 to 25 large yellow fishes swimming toward us. Focussing a bit better, I saw them – the dwarf water spirits were riding the fishes as if they were horses! They came closer and closer to us. I waved my hand to let them know I saw them. They really looked funny. They reminded me of cowboys riding horses in western movies. They came as close to us as two meters.
“Telepathically I asked them if I was just imagining them. They told me, also telepathically, that I should watch them. Then the fishes with the dwarves riding them, swam away a little and then swam around twice in a tight circles. These were movements that fishes normally don’t do. They stayed around us for ten minutes and then communicated telepathically that they had do leave. I asked them to stay, but they insisted, and waved goodbye. I waved back. And then the fishes turned around and swam away.
“When we came out of the water, I told my girlfriend that I had seen the dwarves in the water. She got very excited and told me that although she did not see them, she had felt that they were there. We were both very happy about having been together with them. It is always encouraging to know that we humans are not the only ones on this planet, but that there are beings living lives similar to ours in different dimensions.”
Jennifer Borchers is a member of the A.R.E since 1978. Her book, Facing Myself, was published by the A.R.E. Press in 1994. Jennifer lives in Manhattan, works at the United Nations, facilitates an ACIM discussion group, and had numerous paranormal experiences herself. She can be reached at jborchers@nyc.rr.com.
Martin Zoller’s e-mail address is: mz@martinzoller.eu, and his website is: http://www.martinzoller.eu.
Water Spirits in the Red Sea
This story was told to me by Martin Zoller, a clairvoyant from Switzerland, who gave several lectures to a staff club at the United Nations. It also appeared in the newsletter of the UNSRC Enlightenment Society of which I was president for five years. I will let Martin tell his story:
“When I was last at my home in Switzerland from Bolivia where I live, I met a dwarf – the invisible kind. They are part of the kingdom of nature spirits. I have also seen them in Central Park and in Bolivia. The dwarf in Switzerland told me about water-dwarfs – the ones that live under water. He said their skin is like that of fishes, but that they can also walk on the earth. Further, he said they were a bit “hard”, not that they were rude, but they had strong characters. Finally, he said that I might have the opportunity to see them on my upcoming trip to Egypt.
“I travelled with my girl friend to Egypt soon after and we looked for them. While we were at the beach, I asked telepathically where they were. Just a few minutes later, I saw them coming out of the water onto the beach. There were four of them. They talked very fast and we asked them to please slow down. They told us about how they live and what they do. My girlfriend and I planned to go diving, and they promised to meet with us under water.
“I have been diving for several years and never saw anything except normal three-dimensional creatures under water. So, I was more eager to go scuba diving than ever before. The Red Sea is a scuba diving paradise anyway, but anticipating seeing beings from another dimension was very exciting.
“About a week later we went in a motorboat in a group of seven people to one of the reefs in the Red Sea. The first dive was very nice but nothing extraordinary happened. We saw many beautiful fishes with thousands of colors. It was like being on another planet. Just imagine, you walk on the beach of the Red Sea, and look at the country side, and there is only desert and hardly any plants or flowers. But here, under the water, was a totally different landscape! There was color everywhere. There were underwater plants, and fishes of every color, but alas, no water dwarves.
“We went back to the boat and had lunch. After a peaceful siesta under the open sky, three of us prepared for a second dive, my girlfriend, the diving instructor and myself. For some 30 minutes we swam around the reef. Just when we started to go back, I felt the presence of invisible beings. I looked around and saw a group of 20 to 25 large yellow fishes swimming toward us. Focussing a bit better, I saw them – the dwarf water spirits were riding the fishes as if they were horses! They came closer and closer to us. I waved my hand to let them know I saw them. They really looked funny. They reminded me of cowboys riding horses in western movies. They came as close to us as two meters.
“Telepathically I asked them if I was just imagining them. They told me, also telepathically, that I should watch them. Then the fishes with the dwarves riding them, swam away a little and then swam around twice in a tight circles. These were movements that fishes normally don’t do. They stayed around us for ten minutes and then communicated telepathically that they had do leave. I asked them to stay, but they insisted, and waved goodbye. I waved back. And then the fishes turned around and swam away.
“When we came out of the water, I told my girlfriend that I had seen the dwarves in the water. She got very excited and told me that although she did not see them, she had felt that they were there. We were both very happy about having been together with them. It is always encouraging to know that we humans are not the only ones on this planet, but that there are beings living lives similar to ours in different dimensions.”
Jennifer Borchers is a member of the A.R.E since 1978. Her book, Facing Myself, was published by the A.R.E. Press in 1994. Jennifer lives in Manhattan, works at the United Nations, facilitates an ACIM discussion group, and had numerous paranormal experiences herself. She can be reached at jborchers@nyc.rr.com.
Martin Zoller’s e-mail address is: mz@martinzoller.eu, and his website is: http://www.martinzoller.eu.
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